Safeguarding is a Priority Here
Quakers recognise that there is that of God in everyone and are committed to the care, respect and nurture of all vulnerable groups encountered within Quaker activities and to the safeguarding and protection of children and other vulnerable people.
We are committed to maintaining and developing procedures and good practice guidelines. If you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or vulnerable adult you can speak to one of our coordinators:
Local Meeting Safeguarding Coordinator: Eleanor Miles
Area Meeting Safeguarding Coordinator: Mike Coote
Contact details: 07901 917174
Area Meeting Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator: Steve McMillan
Contact details: 07875 576438
Open Safeguarding Policy
If there is immediate risk or danger, contact the police on 999
For urgent or independent advice, call Thirtyone:eight on 0303 003 1111
Hirers of rooms at Quaker meeting houses should work to their own safeguarding policy.